Your Business Advisor

There are no standard solutions, your business is unique.

Unander Information & Communication AB was established in 1993 and is abbreviated to UNIC AB in general communication.

 UNIC´s mission is to support companies with strategic insights and give advise on prioritized activities and how to execute them.

UNIC is owned by Jan Unander having a background from senior positions within Marketing Research, Marketing Communications, Strategic Marketing planning as well as operative responsibilities as Manager for hire.

A variety of type of assignments for B2B companies in Europe, Asia and the USA that cover a broad spectrum of products and services, have given a deep understanding of opportunities and threats and how to address these to give clients advantages.

In 2012 Jan Unander established DOITS (Data Openness In Transport Solutions),  a forum for key European companies that influence development of data based solutions that make the European transport industry more efficient, safer, secure and more environmental friendly. UNIC´s role is to coordinate and moderate initiatives that are prioritized by the members of DOITS.

  • UNIC believe in human superiority.

    When a technology moves from ground breaking to become a commodity tool , like AI , the competitive  advantage will be the dynamics of people sharing knowledge, empowering development and creating an atmosphere of personal confidence and engagement. Technology can and will be copied but combined human power is unbeatable, independent of being a service or a product company.

  • Processes are not always good.

    In the 1970 :th ISO certification became compulsory. To follow up the  process quality various support systems were implemented, KPI:s connected to the system and suddenly the company is driven by processes.

    Todays business environments with converging markets and new technology and business models challenge existing processes and how the company is run and organized . The insight that processes conserved a rigid way of running the business become obvious when demands for instant flexibility is required.

    UNIC identify consequences if existing processes negatively control working methods and propose changes to adapt to new customer demands.  

  • Sourcing technology products from China.

    UNIC has been active in China since 2008 and over the years built a network of reliable partners that can design and produce technical products ranging from wiring to connect computers in vehicles to PCBs and complete electronic units.

    A strict process from enquiry to customers approval is a guarantee to meet the expectations.

    UNIC takes the responsibility from the production plant to our customers warehouse and offer DDP contracts to relieve our customers from administrative work.

    In all customer relation UNIC is active in proposing improvements that will reduce cost or give the customer a competitive advantages.